Wages Of Love 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob and Bunny
Wages Of Love (Alternate) 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob
Wages Of Love (Rehearsal) 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob
Waiting In Vain 77 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Waiting In Vain (Edit) 77 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Waiting in Vain (Alternate) 77 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Waiting in Vain (Advert. Mix) 77 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Wake Up And Live 79 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Wake Up And Live (Part 1) 79 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Wake Up And Live (Part 2) 79 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Wake Up And Live (12-inch) 79 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Wake Up And Live 95 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Walk´n Talk´n 91 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Walk´n Talk´n (Version) 91 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Wanted Children 77 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Wanted Dread Or Alive 81 (Peter Tosh), Peter
Want More 76 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Want More (Alternate Mix) 76 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Want More (Live Los Angeles 1976) (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Want More 95 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Want To Come Home 89 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
War 76 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
War (Alternate Mix)76 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
War / No More Trouble (Live 1978) (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
War 81 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Warrior 90 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Warrior (Dub) 90 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
We And Them 80 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Mi And Dem (We And Them) 95 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
We Can Make It Uptight 68 (Peter Tosh), Peter
Weed Weed Dat (Peter Tosh), Peter
Well Bread (Peter Tosh), Peter
What A Confusion 70 (Dave Barker) (Perry), Bunny
What A Confusion (Version) 70 (Dave Barker)
Earthquake (U Roy) 70 (What A Confusion DJ Version) (Perry)
Earthquake (Version) 70 (U Roy)
What Am I Supposed To Do 66 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Peter and Bunny
What Goes Around Comes Around 69 (The Wailers) (JAD), Bob and Peter
What Goes Around Comes Around (Version) 69 (The Wailers) (JAD), Bob and Peter
What’s New Pussycat 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob, Peter and Bunny
When The Well Runs Dry 66 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Peter and Bunny
Whatcha Gonna Do, When The Well Runs Dry 74 (Peter Tosh), Peter
Whatcha Gonna Do (Version) 74 (Peter Tosh)
Whatcha Gonna Do, When The Well Runs Dry 75 (Peter Tosh), Peter
Whatcha Gonna Do (Live 1976)
Where´s Sammy Gone 64 (Lord Brynner) (Coxsone), Bob, Peter and Bunny
Where Is My Mother 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob and Bunny
Where Is My Mother (Acoustic) 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob and Bunny
Where’s The Girl For Me 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob, Peter and Bunny
Where Will I Find 64 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob, Peter and Bunny
Where You Gonna Run To 83 (Peter Tosh), Peter
Where You Gonna Run (Long Version) 83 (Peter Tosh), Peter
Where You Gonna Run To (Live 1983), (Peter Tosh), Peter
White Christmas 65 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob, Peter and Bunny
Who Colt The Game 78 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Who Colt The Game (Alternate Solo Mix) 78 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Who Colt The Dub (Instrumental) 78 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Who Feels It Knows It, He Who Feels It Knows It, Linger You Linger (The Wailers) 66 (Coxsone), Peter and Bunny
Who Feels It 77 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Why Must I Cry 75 (Peter Tosh), Peter
Why Must I Cry (Live 1976)
Why Should I 71 (The Wailers) Bob, Peter and Bunny
Why Should I (Version) 71 (The Wailers)
Why Should I 71 (1992 Remix) (Bob Marley) (Island), Bob
Wings Of A Dove, Flying Ska 64 (The Wailers) (Coxsone), Bob, Peter and Bunny
Wings Of A Dove 69 (The Wailers) (JAD), Bob and Peter
Wirly Girly 80 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Worly Girly (Dub) 80 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Wisdom (Acoustic) 68 (The Wailers) (JAD)
Wisdom 69 (The Wailers) (Ted Pounder), Bob, Peter and Bunny
Woman 92 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Woman (Dub)92 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny
Woman Wine And Money 64 (Jack Sparrow) (Coxsone), Bob, Peter and Bunny
Work 80 (Bob Marley & The Wailers) (Tuff Gong), Bob
Work 95 (Bunny Wailer), Bunny