Introduction & Songlist

The Songs of The Wailers
Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer


Released Songs: This list gives details of: Title, Year of Recording, Artist, Producer and who of the three Wailers participate at the recordings with participation of Bob, Peter or Bunny and the alternates, remixes (until 1981 and from Deluxe CDs), versions and dubs connected to those, in line with the released live versions.

What I call ‚a song‘:

Edits are not included here until 1972, as edits were nothing else as shorter incomplete cuts of recordings now available more complete. But later Edits since 1973 are included as they are wanted like that by the artists. More details see each part and chapter.

Remixed songs are only listed here, if unreleased in any version. Only in this case there is some reason to get that one, so I think. Anyway, I added many remixes so far I have them in each part at the end. But I do not collect those.

Posthumous remixes and alternates in form of overdubs by the producer are not listed here, except the remix is the only released source. More Details see Part One last pages and Part Three at the end.

Unreleased and traded songs are only listed here, if unreleased in any version, so traded alternates of released or unreleased songs are not listed here. More Details see Part Five: Unreleased.

Unreleased and untraded songs, that are probably lost, are included in this song list.
If you ever have considered how many songs of The Wailers exist, here you can find 1.391 songs / versions described.

By the way:

I included the vocals of Bob Marley’s unreleased songs in Part 5, the half is put to words by Roger Steffens. With the others I tried my best to find all the words. Some passages of these unfinished songs don’t seem to have a perfect meaning. Bob would have filled in some more lines, if he ever would have recorded those songs again, as he did it with his released songs. This should be taken as an open project for everybody who owns a good copy of a song to check it.